Wisconsin AFL-CIO Remembers Wisconsin Workers Killed on the Job This Workers Memorial Day

On April 28 unions of the AFL-CIO observe Workers Memorial Day to Honor All Workers Killed on the Job and to Pledge to Continue the Fight for Safe Workplaces for All
(APRIL 28, 2021 – MILWAUKEE, WI) -- Every April 28, the unions of the AFL-CIO observe Workers Memorial Day, a day to honor workers who have died or suffered illness or injuries while on the job. We come together this year to call for action to protect workers from COVID-19 at work and stronger job safety and health protections and enforcement. We continue to mobilize to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, so workers have the freedom to form a union and have a voice on the job. We will fight for the right of every worker to a safe job until that promise is fulfilled.
“Workers Memorial Day is especially poignant this year as the tragedy of serious workplace accidents has been compounded by COVID-19 deaths and senseless workplace violence,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “Immediately and throughout this crisis, unions stepped into action to demand and win protections on the job from this highly contagious and deadly virus. We best honor our fallen brothers and sisters by protecting those left behind through strong unions.”
The pandemic highlighted the inextricable link between workplace safety and health and the safety and health of the community. Public health cannot begin to be addressed without attending to the needs and safety of workers on the job. The disproportionate impacts on people of color, widely represented in the essential workforce—health care, food supply, transit, grocery, corrections—has been devastating.
“Each year, thousands of workers are killed and millions more suffer injury or illness because of our jobs,” said Dennis Delie, Secretary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “Far too many workers die from preventable hazards and many more workers get sick from exposure to toxic chemicals and in this past year, a deadly virus. This Workers Memorial Day, we remember and honor all our fellow workers killed on the job and we pledge to keep up the fight for safe workplaces.”
April 28 Workers Memorial Day Commemorations in Wisconsin
South Central Federation of Labor Workers Memorial Day
Press Conference
11:00 AM, Wednesday, April 28
1602 South Park Street, Madison, WI 53715
Milwaukee Area Labor Council Online Workers Memorial Day Commemoration
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Online Event via the Milwaukee Area Labor Council Facebook page
Green Bay Labor Council Workers Memorial Day Observance
11:00 AM, Wednesday, April 28
Memorial Monument Operating Engineers
1250 Radisson Street Green Bay
Marathon County Workers Memorial Day Observance
5:00 PM, Wednesday, April 28
Workers Memorial Site
388 River Dr. Wausau, WI 54401
Greater West Central Area Labor Council Workers Memorial Day
Virtual Event
6:00 PM, Wednesday, April 28th, 2021
RSVP to Receive Zoom Link to: gwcalc@gmail.com
Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO
Virtual Workers Memorial Day Remembrance
5:00 PM, Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Online Event via the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO Facebook page