Two Wisconsin UAW Local Unions Join Historic ‘Stand Up Strike’ at the Big Three

September 22, 2023 – At 11:00 am local time, the United Auto Workers expanded their historic Stand Up Strike to thirty-eight GM and Stellantis parts and distribution locations across twenty states. This includes the GM parts distribution center represented by UAW Local 722 in Hudson and the Stellantis Mopar parts center represented by UAW Local 75 in Bay View (Milwaukee).
Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale released the following statement of solidarity:
“We stand in absolute solidarity with UAW Local 722 members in Hudson and UAW Local 75 members in Bay View as they take brave strike action to protect and preserve the future of our American middle class.
The UAW Stand Up Strike is about standing up to corporate greed and ensuring good wages and decent benefits for all American workers. The Big Three have made a quarter-trillion dollars in profits in the past decade. Automakers can more than afford to increase workers’ wages, end tiers, and ensure job security so that jobs in the auto industry are good, family-sustaining jobs that build our middle class.
UAW members are fighting for all of us. Workers are striking for what we all deserve: fair pay, safety, job security and a retirement with dignity. When working people stand together, united by justice and dignity and a righteous cause, we have the collective power to demand respect and fairness on the job.”