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Project 2025 and unions

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Project 2025, an alarming 920-page document from a group of Donald Trump allies, reveals an anti-worker, anti-democracy blueprint for a second Trump administration. A CNN review found that over 140 people from the former Trump administration are involved in the project.

Project 2025 is composed of four parts: a policy guide for the administration, a database of loyalists who could serve in a Trump administration, training for loyalist personnel, and a set of actions to be taken within the first 180 days in office.

Project 2025 would have a disastrous negative impact on our wages, rights at work, and union contracts.

Project 2025 includes proposals to:

  • Make it easier for employers to get rid of workers’ unions in the middle of our contracts [1].
  • Ban public employee unions [2].
  • End Project Labor Agreements and Prevailing Wage requirements [3].
  • Allow states to ban labor unions, eliminate overtime protections [4], and choose not to follow the national minimum wage [5].
  • Eliminate the child labor rules that protect children from working in mines, meatpacking plants, and other dangerous workplaces [6].
  • Make it illegal for employers to voluntarily recognize unions [7].
  • Allow companies to create their own sham company unions [8].
  • Replace civil servants with political appointees loyal to Trump [9].
  • Cut funding for job training and employment assistance for workers whose jobs were sent overseas due to international trade [10].

The AFL-CIO has launched a website to expose the details of the Trump Project 2025 Agenda and how it relates to union members. Visit to learn more about this well-funded and extremist plan to upend our workplaces and overhaul our democratic institutions.