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Electrifying Rally in Eau Claire!

Karen Hickey
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Wow! The crowd in Eau Claire was fired up and energized to rally with Kamala Harris and her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Watch as the crowd erupts into chants of “Union Strong” after Kamala Harris promises to fight for a future where every worker has the freedom to join a union.

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photo:  union members at Harris rally After a live concert from Eau Claire’s own Bon Iver, Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz took to the stage to lay out their vision for America. Union members were in the crowd to hear how the Harris-Walz administration plans to expand union rights, create good jobs, and improve the lives of workers.

The Harris-Walz pro-worker record speaks for itself:

  • In the US Senate, Harris strongly supported the PRO Act and is a steadfast advocate for workers’ rights.
  • As Vice President, Kamala Harris is a partner in the most pro-union administration in our lifetimes, playing a key role in rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, investing in good-paying union jobs and apprenticeship programs, bringing manufacturing back to the USA and saving worker pensions.
  • Gov. Walz banned noncompete agreements and employer captive audience meetings. He strengthened protections against wage theft in the construction industry and required meatpacking plants to create injury prevention plans.
  • When UAW workers at the Stellantis plant in Plymouth, Minnesota went on strike last year, Governor Walz joined them on the picket line.

photo:  Harris-Walz at rally

In the days ahead, we are sure to hear more fear mongering from the Trump campaign about the Harris-Walz ticket. Despite their best efforts, we in the labor movement will be working hard to get the message out that for America’s workers, there is only one choice in November: Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz.

Join us. Signup today to help us keep moving America forward with Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz.