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Why I Served on Trump’s Manufacturing Council—And Why I Left

In January, I was invited to serve on President Donald Trump’s manufacturing council, along with my boss, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

Richard Trumka: Why I Quit Trump’s Business Council

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump stood in the lobby of his tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and again made excuses for bigotry and terrorism, effectively repudiating the remarks his staff wrote a day earlier in response to the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Va.

United Way Labor Kickoff

The long-standing partnership between the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County is something to celebrate.

Come See the Newly-Renovated Wisconsin Workers' Memorial at Carl Zeidler Union Square

This year, the Milwaukee Area Labor Council invi

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Laborfest 2017

Laborfest Milwaukee 2017

CWA Strike Date Set for FRIDAY, MAY 19!

Can we count on you to help CWA members in the Milwaukee area?

CWA members with AT&T’s wireless division are taking a stand to stop corporate greed and to protect their jobs.

AT&T has been closing stores and sending the jobs overseas and the company, which had al