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CWA Strike Date Set for FRIDAY, MAY 19!

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Can we count on you to help CWA members in the Milwaukee area?

CWA members with AT&T’s wireless division are taking a stand to stop corporate greed and to protect their jobs.

AT&T has been closing stores and sending the jobs overseas and the company, which had allowed US workers to make a good living and support their families, is playing hardball in contract negotiations.  If a new contract agreement is not reached by 2pm Friday, our brothers and sisters in CWA are going on strike.  No one likes going on strike, but sometimes the picket line is the only choice left to workers and their allies.

Here’s how you can help!

Send a message to the CEO of AT&T.  Randall Stephenson made more than $28 million last year!  Meanwhile the company cut the workers’ commissions, meaning workers took home less.  Tell Stephenson that you support the workers of AT&T:

Can you help on the picket line on Friday at 2pm?  Find out picket locations in your area and get updates:

In Solidarity,

The Milwaukee Area Labor Council