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Solidarity is a Verb

Join the Milwaukee Area Labor Council for a 2 hour conversation on identifying the different ways people feel judged and discriminated against and why it's important for us as the Labor Movement to become active Allies in the struggle for racial and economic justice.

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Trump Executive Actions on COVID Are Smoke and Mirrors That Help No One

One way to view President Donald Trump’s executive actions last week on COVID relief is that they represent unlawful overreach.

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In the COVID-19 Economy, We Are Running Out of Time to Prioritize Child Care

In March, working families across the country started to scramble. Our homes were transformed into makeshift classrooms, summer camps and daycare centers as the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools and child care facilities.

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Be a HERO Food Drive- August 19

If you aren't able to attend the food drive next week but want to help families in need, you can donate online. All funds will be used to purchase items needed.

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We Thank You Wednesday-August 12

Please join the Milwaukee Area Labor Counci

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CANCELLED- 2020 DNC Labor Volunteer Opportunities

"With that in mind, we’re writing today with an update on our volunteer needs.