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On Infrastructure and Clean Energy: America Must Play To Win

Today’s energy infrastructure challenges are no less daunting. We must invest quickly and decisively to reduce emissions and stem climate change, and to improve our lagging competitiveness.

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DOL Secretary Marty Walsh Visits Milwaukee

Department of Labor
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UAW Member in Kentucky Loses Job, Gains Help From Union Plus

In 2020, Union Plus was able to give more than $2 million in hardship help to union members, plus some end-of-year gifts for extraordinary union memberswho were nominated by their communities.

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Shuler Joins Warrior Met Strike in Alabama

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler visited Mine Workers (UMWA) members yesterday in Brookwood, Alabama, who are striking against Warrior Met Coal in their fight for a fair contract.

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PRO Act Builds It Back Better With Unions

The American Jobs Plan is not threatened by America’s labor movement. It is strengthened by us and the inclusion of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

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Unions Are Essential to Racial Justice

As the president of the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE), I lead a coalition of 24 national unions representing more than four million professionals.