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Stand in Solidarity with MTEA

MTEA - Stand in Solidarity with Milwaukee Education Workers

4:30pm - 6:30pmMPS Central Office - 5225 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee

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Day of Action

Stand up against wage theft and the misc

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Senate Bill to Curtail Labor Rights on Tribal Land Falls Short

Organized labor managed an increasingly rare feat on Monday — a political victory — when its allies turned back a Senate measure aimed at rolling back labor rights on tribal lands.

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How Does Your State Stack Up on Pay Equity for Women?

The notion of bringing home 80 cents for every dollar pocketed by a man on a national basis is unsettling enough. But it's even more startling when those lost wages are added up.

Want To Carry On Martin Luther King Jr.’s Work? Join A Union

Fifty years ago this week, Martin Luther King Jr. went to Memphis, Tennessee, to march with the city’s striking black sanitation workers. Wages were bad, and conditions were so unsafe that workers were seriously injured or even killed while using the trash compactors of their trucks.

JOB FAIR- Electrical Construction Industry Night