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Worker Wages Remain Stagnant as Wealthy Executives are Rolling in Cash

Congressional Republicans and President Trump continue to push their sole legislative accomplishment, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, as a game-changer for average working Americans — but the benefits of that bill appear to be going mostly to the people at the top.

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Actor John Goodman Joins Fight to Stop 'Right to Work' Law in Missouri

The union-backed fight against making Missouri a "Right to Work" state has enlisted some star power to get its message out.

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AFL-CIO president: ‘Workers Are United to Defeat Kavanaugh’

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says the nation’s labor movement has come to a conclusion about President Donald Trump’s latest U.S. Supreme Court nominee: “Workers are united to defeat Kavanaugh,” he declares.

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Stiglitz: Benefits of Multiple Layers of Financial Regulation So Much Higher Than Costs

Joseph Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University, who was the Nobel laureate in economics in 2001, spoke at a talk on Monday with Damon Silvers, the director of policy and special counsel at the AFL-CIO, part of a day-long strategy session on “Bargaining for the Common Good in the World of Glo

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AFL-CIO Chief Warns Red to Blue Candidates That Being a Democrat Isn’t Enough

House Democratic candidates in town this week for training at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Washington got a visit from AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka for some tips on how they can win back working-class voters.

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Belabored Podcast #155: The Future of Collective Action

In the belly of the political beast in DC, grassroots organizers gathered at AFL-CIO headquarters to discuss collective action under Trump, beyond the beltway.