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Workers United 122- Our Future

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Workers United Local 122 is going to continue organizing, building up their membership, and making their union stronger. From negotiations, to electoral work, to their executive board, the members always come first and union staff are always finding new ways to build the skills of members. 

In 2019, Local 122 had their hands full with negotiations with the Marcus Corporation which controls union hotels in Milwaukee. The Local hit them with demonstrations with the larger Labor community standing in solidarity and in the end they prevailed. 

Right to Work presents a number of challenges since it has become difficult to negotiate and stay strong when employees have the option to decline being a dues paying member. The COVID-19 pandemic hit the hospitality industry hard while hotels shut down and now continue to see lower levels of reservations, sporting events took place without fans in the stands, and conventions were cancelled. On top of that, it’s been difficult to get layoff language extended during a global pandemic. The Local may need to turn to the labor community to help pressure the company to allow employees to return to their jobs after the economy turns around.