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Workers Demand: Pass the PRO-Act! - Rally & Cookout in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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JOIN US Saturday, April 24th at 1pm for a rally and cookout in support of the PRO Act! **COVID 19 safety precautions will be in place at this event. We ask that all participants wear a mask when not eating, and keep a respectful social distance from other guests** The Protecting the Right to Organize Act has already passed the House, and must be taken up by the Senate. If passed, this would be the most important piece of pro-worker legislation in decades. Protecting workers from unfair tactics by employers during union elections, making it easier to organize, and repealing harmful effects of right-to-work-for-less laws are just a few of the important provisions of this bill. NOW is the time for workers to come together and demand our elected leaders follow the will of the people. Support for unions is high (over 65% of Americans are pro-Union) yet union density is low, and recent events like the Bessemer Amazon and Colectivo union election have highlighted the need for pro-worker legislation that makes organizing a union EASIER, not harder. JOIN US on Saturday, April 24 at 1pm for a rally and cookout in support of the PRO Act! Let us know that we will see you there! Sponsored by UFCW Local 1473 and Milwaukee Socialist Alternative with support from the Milwaukee Area Labor Council.