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Vote NO on NAFTA

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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It's pretty clear that global trading is rigged against working people to benefit the wealthy few. Here are three reasons why the labor movement opposes the new NAFTA:

1.   There is nothing in the current deal to fix the outsourcing of good-paying American jobs to Mexico and other low-wage countries.

2.   Unless Mexico finishes and implements full labor reform and stronger rules and enforcements are added to the NAFTA text,Mexico’s workers will continue to face wages as low as $2 per hour or less and receive no protection from threats and violence when trying to unionize.

3.   Monopoly rights for Big Pharma would keep drug prices sky high, and new rules would undermine protections such as workplace safety.

It is possible to have trade rules that lift wages and treat all countries fairly. But this deal, as it currently stands, falls short.

Call your Representative TODAY and tell them to VOTE NO on the new NAFTA!