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Save local news! Stand with the Milwaukee News Guild!

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Save local news: Support our fight for the future of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Milwaukee News Guild logoMilwaukee News Guild

More than 1,800 local newspapers throughout the United States have shut down over the past 15 years, while other newspapers have seen huge staff cuts. That translates to fewer stories that are important to you. In some cases, entire communities have been left without coverage of their local schools, governments, businesses and sports.

In Wisconsin, Gannett Co., which operates the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and 10 other Badger State newspapers, has been eliminating the jobs of local journalists.

Since 2018, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s bargaining unit, which represents news division reporters, photographers, producers and news clerks, has shrunk almost 25%, from 104 to 80.

That's happening even as Gannett, the nation's largest newspaper chain, is paying Chief Executive Officer Mike Reed $7.7 million – compared to the median Gannett journalist’s salary of $48,419. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel journalists, led by union members of the Milwaukee News Guild, are fighting back to save local news. They need your help.


I support vibrant local news. I call on Gannett to provide:

Adequate Hiring: Gannett has cut thousands of jobs across the country and allowed vacancies to remain unfilled, forcing employees to produce top-tier coverage with smaller and smaller staffs. In Milwaukee, the bargaining unit has shrunk by almost 25% since 2018. Gannett must immediately increase hiring and commit to providing the resources that good local journalism requires.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: In-depth, accurate and balanced news coverage requires employees that have a diversity of views, cultures and backgrounds who can navigate Milwaukee and Wisconsin. As Gannett hires, trains and promotes employees, it must seek to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the Journal Sentinel.

Ability to Advance in the Craft: Gannett must offer fair pay so that local journalists can live and thrive in the communities they serve. To retain talent, they must have job security, access to training and career development, healthful and safe working conditions and advancement opportunities. Workers must be afforded the benefits and paid-time off that support healthy work-life balance