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Remembering Ken Greening

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the passing of Ken Greening.

Ken was a proud member of the Plumbers Local Union 75 since 1969 and he became a life-time member (50 year member) in 2019. Ken valued his trade and the strength of a union job. Ken will always be remembered as a valued and dedicated member of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, serving as sergeant-at-arms for many years.

From volunteering at Laborfest to his support of Latino immigrants through his activism with Voces de la Frontera, staffing and greeting delegates at monthly delegate meetings to laminating delegate cards and knocking on union member doors, “whenever the call goes out, wherever there is a need, Ken Greening was there.”

Ken Greening without a doubt was a superb human being. Throughout his life, Ken took care of those who need it without any expectation of recognition. Ken embodied solidarity and the best of organized labor.

The Milwaukee Area Labor Council remembers Ken Greening for his years of dedicated service to the labor movement and the community. The Labor Council and the greater Milwaukee Area are better for having Ken as a dedicated activist and union member.