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Plumbers Local 75 - Our Future

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Plumbers Local 75 has been a strong advocate for credentialing, licensing and permitting. Providing clean water for use and consumption, safely taking that waste water away with systems designed, installed, tested and inspected by professionals.

Local 75 is ready to adapt to the needs of an ever changing society, Whether it is finding new ways to conserve our greatest natural resource, or providing  training methods to improve techniques and keep our members at the top of their profession.

However not enough growth of new members to the plumbing profession is concerning. High Schools have pushed graduates to college while cutting shop classes. This creates a lost opportunity for students to get familiar with the tools and equipment that can provide a lifelong career. But to the young people who do start an apprenticeship, our Union provides a high quality wage and benefit package that is second to none. Our Members are a highly skilled, productive workforce that has earned that package.