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Pass the Heroes Act- National Call-in Day July 22

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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It’s hard to believe. Coronavirus cases and unemployment numbers are climbing, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent the Senate home without debating the HEROES Act, the next coronavirus economic relief package.

The House passed the HEROES Act on May 15. Yet for two months, the Senate has not brought this critical legislation to the floor, nor has it proposed an alternative solution. The number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 has exponentially increased in nearly every state, and millions of Americans have been left unemployed through no fault of their own.

Tell the Senate to pass the HEROES Act today.

The HEROES Act was designed to save lives and livelihoods. Without action, working people are going to continue to get sick on the job and/or lose their jobs. It has become clear that uncoordinated piecemeal actions will not stop the spread, save the economy or lead the economy. The importance of a federal response cannot be overstated.

Tell the Senate to get back to work and pass the HEROES Act now, and do what is right for our health, our economy and our country.