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Labor Spotlight- Kilah Engelke

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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Kilah has been a Business Agent for the International Association Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ Local 599 since June 25th, 2018 after winning a contentious election by a landslide and is the Recording Secretary for OPCMIA Local 599, Area 558. She is the first ELECTED female Business Agent for OPCMIA in their entire International.

Kilah is the Financial Secretary for the Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council, sits on the Labor Council Executive Board, and in 2019 started eMpowHer- gathering women in the Building Trades to encourage and promote a path to leadership for women, to support and retain those that are already here, and to reach out to grow our membership thereby strengthening all organized labor in Milwaukee.

Kilah loves snowboarding, which led her into a career in concrete- as a roadbuilder in Wisconsin, she was able to enjoy winters off snowboarding in the Colorado backcountry- it’s the summer job she never left!