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AFL-CIO President Trumka on Government Shutdown

Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
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In a call with labor leaders today, AFL-CIO President Trumka called on us all to redouble our efforts to help end the government shutdown. He discussed a conversation he had with Coast Guard members who are patrolling our shores while not being paid. He mentioned the TSA workers protecting our airports.

Will Attig, director of the Union Veterans Council pointed out that 31% of federal workers are veterans. We need to do what we can to compel the Senate to stop the shutdown and put people back to work with pay.

The language in HR 268 has been voted on already and it would fund the government through February 28th. Please call 1-866-803-8830 and leave a message for your elected officials. We MUST have the government opened and running. The future and safety of our country depends on it.